====== Changelog dels canvis de la 1.1.7 a la 1.3.0 ====== Aquests són els canvis fets de la versió 1.1.7 a la versió 1.3.0. Al llistat s'esmenta, * el nom del fitxer modificat * la versió del fitxer al [[http://bumblebeeman.cvs.sourceforge.net/bumblebeeman/ | CVS de Sourceforge]] (**extended:**) * una descripció breu dels canvis fets ===== ChangeLog file ===== Aquestes són les línies al fitxer //ChangeLog// que descriuen de forma general els canvis entre les 1.1.7 i 1.3.0. A l'apartat següent es poden consultar les modificacions a nivell de fitxer. * bugfix: masquerade action has not to allow to make a booking for user who hasn't permission for the instrument. Also the action is fixed for instrument admin. * bugfix: when do the action 'undeleted entry' (users) field suspended of database have to be 0. * bugfix: when you masqued, in "my bookings" you could see all bookings from the user who I am masqued, now you only see your own bookings * feature: interactive language, user can change program language and its choice will be saved in database * feature: password format changed from md5_compat to md5 * feature: activate tableHeader, the style can be changed in .css file * feature: added action "Configure system" to configure program settings (copy of 1.1.5 version) * feature: when database fails, now shows the reason of the error although VerboseSQL=0 * feature: for Instrument Admin, main menu 'Instruments' is divided by instruments to manage bookings and instruments to administrate * feature: restructured .tabularobject style and the way to create tables inside other tables * feature: some styles change (center) on calendar and lists that use .selectlist * feature: fixed Reports & Lists to view information about users only from groups and projects active ===== Root files (/) ===== ==== index.php ==== * **Extended: 1.64** * bugfixes for loading of i18n module: added require_once 'inc/i18nconfig.php' after require_once 'inc/i18n.php' * added another //MergeDatabaseTable// to merge language field from users table ===== General files (inc/) ===== ==== inc/jsfunctions.php ==== * **Extended: 1.9** * added new js function 'disp_confirm()' for language action ==== inc/menu.php ==== * **Extended: 1.35.2** * new function _constructLanguageForm() ==== inc/permissions.php ==== * **Extended: 1.3.2** * added 'BBPERM_ADMIN_CONFIG: Permission to configure system (bumblebee.ini atributes) ===== BB files (inc/bb/) ===== ==== inc/bb/auth.php ==== * **Extended: 1.41.2** * new function getLanguage ==== inc/bb/basicconfigreader.php ==== * **Extended: 1.15** * added //global $TABLEPREFIX// in //MergeDatabaseTable// function * adapted //MergeDatabaseTable// function because of language table ==== inc/bb/calendar.php ==== * **Extended: 1.41.1** * Style center for calendar table ==== inc/bb/configreader.php ==== * **Extended: 1.12.1** * BUMBLEBEEVERSION is 1.3.0 * changed $this->SessionIndex variable ==== inc/bb/project.php ==== * **Extended: 1.26** * changes on some table headers names ==== inc/bb/settings.php ==== * **Extended: 1.7** * added //return $sql_result// in internal functions to allow //magicTag// * added option "ignore_installer" that it will show a warning if install folder still is in the server location ==== inc/bb/user.php ==== * **Extended: 1.32.2** * added language field for infoOnly * modified delete() function to delete($isdeleted) function to know if user is already deleted or not * change field order 'User type', User option is the first option instead of Admin option now * modified display() function * fixed parameters of connectDB('statususers',...) ===== Actions files (inc/actions/) ===== ==== inc/actions/about.php ==== * **Extended: 1.1** * deleted the link "fine manual" ==== inc/actions/actions.php ==== * **Extended: 1.25.2** * added new action //settings// from bumblebee 1.1.5 * added new action //languages// * deleted action "All suspended users" from lists.php ==== inc/actions/actionfactory.php ==== * **Extended: 1.30.1** * added //require_once 'settings.php';// * activated restriction: '//$this->_action->readOnly = ! $this->checkMagic()//' ==== inc/actions/calendar.php ==== * **Extended: 1.1.2** * fix permissions if user is masqued ==== inc/actions/consumables.php ==== * **Extended: 1.23.2** * added 'Description' table header ==== inc/actions/groups.php ==== * **Extended: 1.27.2** * added 'Description' table header ==== inc/actions/intruments.php ==== * **Extended: 1.25.2** * added 'Description' table header ==== inc/actions/language.php ==== * Initial revision ==== inc/actions/lists.php ==== * **Extended: 1.2** * deleted "All users suspended" option because you can see this in "Show suspended users" of "Edit users" option * fixed lists, only show users from active groups/projects and only see projects from active groups ==== inc/actions/masquerade.php ==== * **Extended: 1.21** * Admin Instrument can only view the users who has permissions for instrument that can book * You cannot masquerade as a user who is suspended or deleted ==== inc/actions/mybookings.php ==== * **Extended: 1.0** * use $this->auth->uid instead $this->user to prevent that I can see the bookings of other user when I am masqued ==== inc/actions/projects.php ==== * **Extended: 1.30.2** * added 'Description' table header ==== inc/actions/settings.php ==== * **Extended: 1.3** * added //$set->checkValid()// ==== inc/actions/useraccount.php ==== * **Extended: 1.0** * adapted to new user display() function ==== inc/actions/users.php ==== * **Extended: 1.24.2** * call $user->delete() with the parameter $user->isDeleted to know if user is already deleted or not * fixed showactive option ==== inc/actions/view.php ==== * **Extended: 1.62.2** * separated on another AnchorTableList the instruments for the Instruments admins * added some conditionals options if action masquerade is activated ==== inc/actions/viewbase.php ==== * **Extended: 1.2.2** * added to _forbiddenError() function the option to print a message without predeterminate end ===== Formlib files (inc/formslib/) ===== ==== inc/formslib/anchortablelist.php ==== * **Extended: 1.13.2** * tableHeaders are created correctly now * style change in display() function (tabular center) ==== inc/formslib/dbchoicelist.php ==== * **Extended: 1.39.1** * Fix DBChoiceList function for when //deleted// and //suspended// are nullable * Fix query (deleting //AS '.$this->table.//) because it can fail * Use !is_null() instead ($var <> NULL) ==== inc/formslib/dbrow.php ==== * **Extended: 1.50.1** * modified displayInTable() function, now each array of database has his own table (tabularobject2 in CSS) * modified displayAsTable() function to adapted to displayInTable() function ==== inc/formslib/droplist.php ==== * **Extended: 1.16.1** * adapted //display// and //selectable// functions to permit attributes inside