#!/bin/bash # # maintenance_bookings_2022.sh # # (c) 2013, Miquel Cabanas, SeRMN, UAB # # Started writing: 2013/10/28 # Last updated: 2013/10/28 # # This script runs the MySql commands needed to automatically create the # bookings for the spectrometers maintenance tasks, mainly liquid nitrogen # refills. # # To run this script every Sunday 2am append an entry like, # # FIXME 0 3 * * Sun /opt/bmbee-114-1/bin/maintenance_nmr_bookings.sh # # to crontab. This entry means, at minute 0, hour 2, on every (*) day of # the month and on every (*) month of the year, if that day happens to be # a Sunday (day 0), execute the commands in the script file # 'maintenance_nmr_bookings.sh' (this file). # VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------- # programs # date=`which date` mail=`which mail` mysql=`which mysql` # email recipients and subject to_address="miquel.cabanas@uab.cat" # cc_address="miriam.perez@uab.cat,pau.nolis@uab.cat,eva.monteagudo@uab.cat" cc_address="miquel.cabanas@gmail.com,miquel.cabanas@uab.es" subject="SeRMN Booking System - Weekly maintenance reservations" # date related variables. This script runs on Sunday, and bookings are made # eight weeks in advance (56 days) on Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00. Hence, # we need to find those dates so that we can use them later when booking time-slots. # # NOTE: these date variables are not currently used for booking commands, # only for the reporting email messages. today_date=`$date --date='Today' +'%Y/%m/%d'` # 2013/10/28 mon_date_mail=`$date --date='8 week 3 day' +'%a %Y/%m/%d'` # Thu 2013/12/06 mon_weekno=`$date --date='8 week 3 day' +'%V/%Y'` # 52/2013 # Bumblebee booking system database where everything gets stored myuser='*****' mypass='*****' mydb='*****' # INSERT BOOKING ENTRIES IN THE DATABAE ----------------------------------------- $mysql --database=$mydb --user=$myuser --password=$mypass << EOF /* begin transaction */ BEGIN; /* Insert bookings for weekly maintenance tasks in all vertical magnets. */ /* By default, book Wednesday morning from 09:00 to 13:00, 8 weeks in advance */ /* (i.e. 59 days) */ /* Avance DPX-250-QNP (250-AUTO) - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 12, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* Avance DPX-250-BACS (250-ROBOT) - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 15, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* Avance DPX-360 - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 1, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* AvanceIII 400SB - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 6, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* AvanceII 400WB - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 9, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* Avance DRX-500 - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 2, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* AvanceII+ 600 - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 7, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* Hypersense DNP - Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00 -> 4 hours */ INSERT INTO bookings(bookwhen, duration, instrument, bookedby, userid, projectid, discount, ip, comments, log, deleted) VALUES (date_add( date_add( current_date(), interval 59 day), interval 9 hour), '04:00:00', 17, 7, 7, 1, 0, '', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 'Weekly maintenance tasks', 0); /* commit transaction */ COMMIT; EOF # MAIL THE SYSTEM AND INSTRUMENT ADMINISTRATORS - ----------------------- # # Report to the system and instrument administrators whether Routine NMR # bookings have been created. # status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then # mysql command failed. Send an email reporting the failure # $mail -s "$subject" -c $cc_address $to_address << EOM AUTOMATED EMAIL MESSAGE. DO NOT REPLY SeRMN - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Failed to allocate time slots for weekly maintenance tasks week $mon_weekno starting: $mon_date_mail. Please, report this issue to the system administrator. EOM else # mysql command suceeded. Send an email reporting that routine # bookings have been created # $mail -s "$subject" -c $cc_address $to_address << EOM AUTOMATED EMAIL MESSAGE. DO NOT REPLY SeRMN - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Time slots have been allocated for weekly maintenance tasks on all SeRMN spectrometers for week $mon_weekno starting: $mon_date_mail. EOM fi exit